News & Notes, November 2022

Vote as if the future of democracy depends on it.

It does.

There may not be three more important votes in your life than the votes you cast for Josh Shapiro, John Fetterman, and Marty Qually. All three are quality candidates and conscientious public servants. Just on that basis, they deserve your support.

But larger stakes are in play.

Your vote for Shapiro may determine that Pennsylvanians will continue to have the right to vote and whether public schools continue to exist.

Your vote for Fetterman might be the difference that allows President Biden to appoint 80 or more federal judges and get them confirmed.

Your vote for Qually might make the difference that prevents passage of Constitutional amendments to ban abortions and take away other rights.

Talk to your neighbors. Explain why it’s Important

Write-in 13th District candidate

A candidate has stepped forward to run an organized write-in campaign for the 13th district congressional seat now held by John Joyce. Beth Farnham of Gettysburg, an active member of the ACDC Central Committee, has put her name forward and is mounting an energetic write-in campaign.

Writing in is easy. Find John Joyce’s line on the ballot, go to the line below, which say “write in,” and then BOTH black-in the oval AND write Beth Farnham.

DFA Op-eds

Letters to the editor

Gettysburg Connection

DFA Blog

Come to our meetup, Thursday, November 10,
7 pm, Gettysburg YWCA

DFA’s Leon Reed and Gettysburg College’s Char Weise will give a first impression of 2022 election results. It may be too soon to know every result but trends should be obvious.
Time for Q&A.

Leon Reed